Everything went great. The weather was perfect, the food was perfect, company was great and Dylan was in a good mood.
We had to be quick with the camera. Dylan did not want to keep his party hat on for long.

Great Grandma Sussie made the birthday cupcakes. They were delicious. Dylan loved the chocolate one!!

After cupcakes, we opened presents. He got lots of clothes, two "riding" scooters, money, books and so on.

His favorite gift was by far his new cell phone. His cousins Miranda and Samantha gave it to him. He holds it up to his ear and pretends to take a call. It's quite cute.

One of his riding scooters. He got this from Grandpa and Grandma Reid.

I can't believe he's already 1! It seems like yesterday I was holding him in the hospital in Madelia... It looks like you guys had a really fun time at the party. I love the picture of Dylan in his party hat. Too cute!!
Every pictures just makes me smile!! We love him so much!! Grandma Bonnie
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