Saturday, May 5, 2007

New things

Dylan finally got to spend some time outside. It was pretty hot during the day so we went out in the evening and caught a spot in the shade for about 20 mins.
My new sun hat. Believe it or not, he doesn't mind wearing it. That's awesome.
His grandma and grandpa got him this noise making, spin around, color flashy globe. It keeps him preoccupied for quite some time. He pushes the same button over and over and over and over and over...i think you get the picture. His first words are not going to be mom and dad, they are going be "We travel around the world". It gets about that far and then he pushes the button again.
Here he is reading his favorite book. It has a bunch of mirrors on it and he just loves to see his reflection.

Here he is crashed in his crib. I think it's funny how he always has his legs crossed.

Here is his 8 month picture.
Dylan and Austin chatting it up.

Dylan fell asleep in his highchair the other day. I've seen it on Funniest Home Videos and thought how can they possibly fall asleep like that, but they do...
Well Dylan has had another crazy week. We had to bring him into the doctor again because of a low grade fever. And sure enough his white cell counts were at 18000 again. So they put him on some more antibiotics and sent us on our way. We will be returning to the doctor in 7 days to check his white cell counts again. He is doing just fine and was a real trooper for the doctor's. I'll keep you posted. Other than that, it has been a quiet week. Only one more week of school and I am done for the summer. Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great week everyone.

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