Friday, May 25, 2007

Another Doctor's Appointment

I received a call from the doctor yesterday and she said after examining Dylan’s test results, she didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Meaning after looking at his blood under a microscope, checking over his liver and kidney’s and having a rheumatologist look things over, they didn’t see anything alarming. His white cell count was in the 15,000, which she felt comfortable with, his red blood cell count was low, and his platelets were still high. So now we wait…She wants me to bring him back in after he has a two week period with no illnesses, from there they will run a second batch of tests. She is also going to refer us to an Allergist in hopes that the inflammation is a sign of an allergic reaction. Hopefully that will be with in the next week or so. I’ll keep you posted.
Dylan playing Doctor.
He loves to wear his hat. I think because Ryan wears them all of the time, he thinks he looks cool wearing his.
Dylan with his cousins Murry and Sammy.
Dylan and Auntie Erica on the night of prom. Dylan should have been Erica's date. He would have looked so cute in a tux.

Dylan and his Daddy. He looks more and more like Ryan everyday.

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