I finally changed to layout to my blog. I have been wanting to do it for awhile and spent countless hours trying to figure out how to download the FREE funky ones that I am able to see on everyone
else's blogs, but no luck. So I have to go with the "plain
jane" ones. Oh well. At first I thought that I stick with the masculine colors, but then I thought "this blog shouldn't just be about Dylan". So this is me...PINK. I love pink!
Life has been pretty busy these days. I am back in school. For as much as I complain about school, I have to say I really do enjoy it. Back when I was 18 and trying to figure out what to do with my life, I had decided that I didn't want to go to school, I just wanted to work at Carlson Craft until I could figure out what I wanted to do. But dad had said if I didn't go to school then I was completely on my own!!! So technical college was the route I took. The only thing I regret about not going to a four year right away, is that I didn't get to live the "dorm" life and meet tons of interesting people. I was a hermit that was always afraid to go out without my boyfriend. So if I wasn't with him, I was moping about wishing I was with him. HELLO LOSER! All in all it worked out though because we did end up
getting married! So I finished my two years of tech school and off to work I went. Which brings us here today..I now have 10 years of work experience under my belt and am trying to obtain my four year degree in Finance. Is this the road I should be traveling??? Who knows. But I am more ready now to go to college than when I was 18. I have a bit more self worth and a lot more understanding of how things work.
Besides school, September is a busy month with B-day's. Ryan's is on the 13
th and Dylan's is on the 9
th. Ryan decided that he wants a B-day party this year, so Dylan doesn't get one.
JK The plan is to have Dylan's on the 14
th and if people remember Ryan's then they remember! It's kind of funny, Ryan's mom said that when he was growing up, he had a poster on his bedroom door that said "He who dies with the most stuff WINS!" So as you can imagine it is hard for Ryan to share anything, but this year he is going to have to share his B-day celebration with his son.
Dylan is getting more active everyday. He is such a jabber box!! I love it. His favorite thing to do these days is watch
SHREK. Not just three times a day, but four. I am tempted to take the TV out of the toy room. But I don't know if I could deal with the temper tantrums.
Well that's it for me. Everyone have a great week. Sorry no pics... Next time though.